Welcome To Hawaii Injured Worker's Association Online
Officially organized on November 4, 2004 as Hawaii Injured Workers Association when over 50 concerned citizens of the state met, drafted and approved a charter. The now Hawai'i Injured Workers Association (HIWA) was formed on the example of parallel organizations across the U.S. and Canada. Like its many sister organizations, HIWA was formed to give voice to the many people and groups who feel they and the injured workers they support are being abused and victimized by a growing political agenda that has lost concern and compassion for the real victims of industrial injury, the workers.
About HIWA
Waiting In Pain
A Civil Beat Investigation: In Hawaii’s workers’ comp system, people with long-lasting injuries are often forced to battle doctors hand-picked by insurance companies to get treatment and disability payments.
The Basics

How do I file a Work Comp claim?
If you believe you were injured at work or suffer from an illness because of your job, tell your employer as soon as possible.

From whom can I obtain medical treatment?
You may obtain medical treatment from a physician of your choice. However, you may be under the care of only one attending physician. Your attending physician may refer you to other specialist(s) with the approval of your employer's insurance carrier.

Know your rights!
Worker's Compensation, sometimes referred to as "Workman's Compensation" or "Worker's Comp", is the name given to a system of laws meant to protect injured workers.

What should I do if injured at work?
If you are injured at work, immediately report the accident to your employer and seek medical treatment from an employer authorized doctor. Read on for further information.
Aloha The Law Offices of Douglas Thomas Moore, LLC, You made this year's Giving Tuesday unforgettable! Thanks to more than 1,300 generous donors, we raised more than $165,000 to ensure the Maui Strong Fund continues to deliver vital resources to the people and places impacted by the Maui wildfires. Every dollar you contributed helps us bring more families home, provide crucial mental health services, and support other unmet needs as communities continue on their path to recovery. Your kindness reminds us of the power of community. Together, we’re providing hope, supporting families, and making a lasting impact.
5 Things Every Injured Worker Should Know About Workers' Comp
Unfortunately, there is no handbook for workers who have been injured on the job. No playbook that tells you who to call, what to do, or which questions to ask. And, given that each workers’ comp claim is different, it’s difficult to compare your work injury to that of a friend or family members.
Being injured on the job can be a scary. The more prepared you are, the better off you and your workers’ comp claim will be. We’ve compiled a short list of the important things you should know after you’ve been injured on the job.