How is my Average Weekly Wage computed?

The AWW is based on your earnings for the 52 week period before you were injured.  If you had a raise within that 1 year period, AWW should be based on the higher rate.  If you had overtime earnings during that period, your overtime earnings should be recalculated based on your higher hourly rate.  If you had other benefits, those might also be included in AWW.  

If you had another job, the earnings from that job should also be included in AWW.  The portion of the wage replacement benefit which is due to the second job is paid by the State’s Special Compensation Fund and not by the WC insurer.  

There are other rules for computing AWW in §386-51 and §12-10-23


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On 12/12/2012 HIWA was granted its non-profit status by the IRS, effective as of 11/30/2011
ER ID No. 45-4038392

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